Join us
Sing major classical works with a first-rate amateur choir
We have around 120 members, and we perform concerts three times a year with a full orchestra, usually in Salisbury Cathedral.
Members pay an annual subscription currently of £150, though adjustments may be made in cases of financial hardship.
We’re always looking for new members, especially tenors and basses, and we have a bursary scheme for members aged 18-29.
How to join
There are three routes to joining: experienced singers may want to take a voice test straight away; others may want to try the choir as a ‘rehearsing member’ and young singers may want to apply for the Faithfull Bursary.
SMS is a first-rate amateur choir, so you must have a voice test to join and re-test every five years.
For your voice test, you will be asked to bring a prepared piece and maybe sing a passage from the work we are currently rehearsing and a short unprepared piece. The conductor will judge the quality of your voice and whether you are able to sight read. (Being able to sight read is useful but not essential.) The conductor may also ask you to sing a few scales and pick out notes from a chord. You will be told of the outcome within a day.
Apply for a voice test
Put off by the thought of a voice test?
If so, why not first come and rehearse with us, for a few weeks, or a whole term, as a rehearsing member? Join us at our Tuesday evening rehearsals to sing, meet fellow choir members and build up your confidence to have a voice test when you’re ready. This is a great opportunity to experience singing with a large choir with no obligation! You will not need to pay a subscription until you have passed your voice test, but of course you won’t be able to sing in the concerts either, until you do. You can arrange for a voice test at any time during the term.
Join as a rehearsing member
Aged 18-29?
You may be eligible for the Faithfull Bursary Scheme, offering a year’s free membership of SMS, free music hire, and a payment of £150 per season.
Learn more about membership
Rehearsals take place once a week in venues in Salisbury, and you’ll need to attend a certain number in order to sing in a concert.
A typical concert
We have high standards, and not just in singing, so concerts are formal affairs, with lots of preparation.
Are you a music teacher?
Our Choral Music Scholarship is for music teachers and offers free membership