
Patrons are non-singing members of Salisbury Musical Society and are an invaluable source of moral and financial support.  As a patron you receive priority booking to our concerts, can attend rehearsals (but only to listen), are invited to the Annual General Meeting and are invited to Society functions such as the annual social event in late June/early July.  Thank you to all our patrons who are listed below.

Why not become a patron yourself?

List of patrons

Life Patrons

  • Mrs Anne Beckwith-Smith
  • Mrs S Blyth MBE
  • Mrs Anita P Boakes
  • Miss Janice Brown
  • Mr Timothy Brown
  • Mrs Anne Cooke
  • Mrs Vanessa Coryndon
  • Mrs Margaret Craigie
  • Mrs A Crampton
  • Mrs Polly Dickins
  • Mrs Felicity Fairbairn
  • Mrs A Harries
  • Dr David Hartley
  • Mrs Janine Hillary
  • The Reverend Gabrielle A Hunt
  • Mrs M H Hunter
  • Mrs Julia Joynt
  • Mrs P. Luton
  • Mr Luke March
  • Mrs Olive Moody
  • Mrs Alison Payne
  • Mr Steven Payne
  • Mrs Jane Podkolinski
  • Mr Philip Rudge
  • Mr M Schmeising
  • Dr Michael E Shipley
  • Mrs Margaret Shore
  • Mr Tim Tatton-Brown OBE
  • Mr R H Wharton
  • Mrs Wendy Williams


  • Mrs Carole Bexon
  • Professor Jane Burridge
  • Mr and Mrs I Campey
  • Jean and Nick Briggs
  • Mrs Patricia Cave-Smith
  • Mrs Rosie Clay
  • Mr J L Clipson
  • Col and Mrs R J Coate
  • Mr and Mrs J R Compton
  • Mrs Janet Cooke
  • Maj Gen Philip Corp CB
  • Mrs B M Coulson
  • Mrs A R Cousins
  • Mr D Curzon
  • Mr and Mrs I G Davidson
  • Mrs M Dickson
  • Canon Peter Dominy
  • Canon Bruce Duncan MBE
  • Mr and Mrs A W C Edwards
  • Miss Jane Erith
  • Mrs P Farrington
  • Mr and Mrs D Felgate
  • Mrs Gillian Gailey
  • Mrs Christina Green
  • Mr J Andrew Grime
  • Mr Adrian Hale
  • Col. M J Hales
  • Mr J Hampton
  • Mr David Jeremiah
  • Mrs Carolyn Knight
  • Mr J Leece
  • Mrs Sarah Locke
  • Mr S J Lycett
  • Mr M W Milburn
  • Mr and Mrs R. Montgomery
  • Mr R A Muir Martin
  • The Revd Joanna Naish
  • Sir Alan and Lady Outram
  • Mr G H Philp BEM
  • Col. C D Piggins
  • Mr C D Pilkington
  • Mr C B M Reed
  • Mrs S Reynolds
  • Mrs B Riddell
  • Mrs Diana Roberts
  • Dr J and Dr B Robertson
  • Mrs Sylvia Roseaman
  • Dr S H Seal
  • Mr and Mrs P Seccombe
  • Mr J R Shore
  • Miss J Skelton
  • Dame Rosemary Spencer
  • Mr M Sturgess
  • Mr and Mrs R D L Symes
  • Mrs M Tomkies
  • Mrs Biddy Trahair
  • Mrs D Verdon-Smith
  • Dr and Mrs B L Waldman
  • Mrs Ruth Watherston
  • Mrs E Weatherley
  • Mrs Rosemary Webb
  • Mr W G Webb
  • Mr W H G Wilks
  • Mr and Mrs N Wingate
  • Ms Glynis Younan